Common Additions and Deductions

Tax season for entrepreneurs with their own business can look different case by case. Whether you are a sole proprietor, or have incorporated your business, you will have to file the income/losses associated with your business for tax purposes. These articles will explain how you are taxed on your income from your business, which expenses are and are not deductible for tax purposes, and go a bit in depth on more specific topics.

Accounting Income to Net Income for Tax Purposes: Common Additions and Deductions

When adjusting your accounting income to your income for tax purposes, there are certain expenses that must be added back to the income since they are not deductible for tax purposes, and there are certain expenses that will be taken out of income since they are allowed to be deducted for tax purposes. When filing taxes for a corporation, along with your T2 you will have to file a Common Schedule 1 (S1) to show these adjustments to income. If you are filing your business income under your personal tax return, you will follow the same adjustments, but you will not have to file an S1.

Common AdditionsCommon Deductions
Income tax expenseIncorporation costs (first $3000)
Interest and penalties on income tax assessmentsLandscaping expenditures (cash basis)
Depreciation and amortizationCapital Cost Allowance (CCA)
Recaptured CCATerminal Losses
Non-deductible reserves 
Tax reserves deducted in prior yearsTax reserves claimed in current tax year
Accounting losses on the impairment/disposition of capital assetsAccounting gains on the writeup/disposition of capital assets
Pension ExpensePension funding contributions (cash basis)
Scientific research expensesSR&ED deductions
Warranty ExpenseWarranty Expenditures (cash basis)
Taxable Capital Gains (in excess of allowable capital losses)Allowable business investment losses (ABILs)
1 Non-deductible automobile costs 
2 50% of meal and entertainment expenses 
Club and other recreational fees 
Charitable donations 
Political contributions 
Fines, penalties, and illegal payments 
Advertising expenses (in a non-Canadian newspaper/broadcasting) 
3 Workspace in a home expense 
Unpaid remuneration (other than vacation pay) (is not deductible in year accrued unless paid by 180 days after business year end) 

1 Automobile costs

Despite being in a pandemic, if you happen to have an employee of yours using an automobile you have granted them, you are allowed to deduct 61 cents per kilometer for the first 5000 kilometers they drive, and 55 cents per kilometer driven after that. Keep in mind that these amounts are specifically for 2022, as these values can change year by year (the values for 2021 are 59 cents/km for the first 5000 and 53 cents for kms after that)

2 Meals and entertainment

If you incur meal and entertainment expenses for business purposes, you are allowed to deduct 50% of the amount you paid from your income for tax purposes. The other 50% will still be taxable in the year.

3 Workspace in a home expense

If you operate your business partially or entirely from your home, you are allowed to deduct expenses incurred from your income for tax purposes. They are permitted to be deductible only if the space in the home is your principal place of business or if the space is used exclusively for the purpose of earning income and used on a regular basis for meeting clients. If either of these conditions are met, you are allowed to deduct your home’s common expenses (such as property taxes, utilities, etc.) in proportion to the amount of time you use that space for business purposes.

Reserves, qualifying SR&ED expenditures, and CCA will be covered in other articles


Buckwold, William, et al. Canadian Income Taxation, 2021/2022. McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.

Wolfe, Kathy. 2022 CPA Competency Map Study Notes, 20th Edition. Densmore Consulting Services Incorporated, 2022.

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Indigenous business training program created by RedBird Circle Inc. in partnership with UofT Libraries, ICUBE UTM and The Bridge at UTSC

An experiential learning program that follows the school 3 semesters schedule, for anyone with a great idea who wants to make it happen.

A boutique-style remote program to support your business development and help you grow through one-on-one support. This program is open all year.

A student-led creative studio with intends to serve the prototyping and design needs of our ventures and small businesses in our community.

This 2-day retreat is designed to help you reflect on your journey, what drives you, all the hats you wear and what is next for you and your social enterprise.