- Date: November 1, 2019
- Team Registration Deadline: October 31, 2019
- Location: University of Toronto Mississauga
- Award for winning team: $5,000
- Eligibility:
- Open to students from ALL academic institutions
- undergraduate, graduates and post-doctoral fellows; professionals planning to return to school
- Teams must have a minimum of 2 members; there is no maximum to the number of team members
- Registration: Please send each team member’s name, email, and current institution/degree program/company to jennifer.lowe@utoronto.ca
- Schedule of Events
- Nov 1st: Link to data set and problem is sent out
- Nov 4th 9 AM: Analysis due (format below) by email to jayson.parker@utoronto.ca
- 5 pages 1.5 line spacing (Times New Roman); abstract, methods and results/discussion
- All figures in the appendix; appendix can be as large as needed; provide figure captions
- Presentations (by invitation): Friday Nov 8th at 11:00 AM