Visual Branding Crash Course

This crash course introduces entrepreneurs to branding; what it is, when to do it, how to use it, and why it’s so important.After hearing from three industry professionals from Toronto-based […]

Ideation Lab Info Session

Calling on innovators from all backgrounds! ICUBE at UTM is excited to be facilitating the Ideation Lab during the Fall of 2022 to help you put big ideas into action! […]

Ideation Lab Summer Pitch Competition

Join us from 5:00pm to 6:00pm on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 for the Ideation Lab Pitch Competition! Watch 5 finalists compete for prize money and in-kind prizes, see examples of how the pitching process […]

Starting an Indigenous Business

Please join us in our drop in zoom session at 5pm.Redbird Circle will be delivering twelve online workshops on the topic of two-eyed seeing in entrepreneurship. The workshops will offer […]

Funding for an Indigenous Business

Please join us in our drop in zoom session at 5pm.Redbird Circle will be delivering twelve online workshops on the topic of two-eyed seeing in entrepreneurship. The workshops will offer […]

Introduction to Design Thinking

ICUBE UTM - L1240, Innovation Complex 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Mississauga, ON, CA

You will be introduced to the concept of Human Centered Design and how it is applied through the 5 step Design-Thinking process.In this 90 minute workshop you will be introduced […]

Taxation and Accounting of an Indigenous Business

Please join us in our drop in zoom session at 5pm.Redbird Circle will be delivering twelve online workshops on the topic of two-eyed seeing in entrepreneurship. The workshops will offer […]

Medicine Wheel Teachings

Please join us in our drop in zoom session at 5pm.Redbird Circle will be delivering twelve online workshops on the topic of two-eyed seeing in entrepreneurship. The workshops will offer […]

Ethical Marketing

Online Webinar

If your inspiration for creating a social enterprise is to address issues in our society and environment, then surely ethics are important to you! You’re trying to do the right […]