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Youth Programs – Summer Company

May 31 @ 12:00 am - July 31 @ 12:00 am

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Summer Company is a key component of the Ontario government’s young entrepreneurs programs, which aims to encourage more young people to turn their talents into creative and innovative businesses. Summer Company provides virtual business training and mentoring, together with awards of up to $3,000 to help enterprising students start up and run their own summer business.

Eligible candidates must be between 15-29 years of age, a student returning to school in the fall of 2020, a resident of Ontario, Canadian citizen or Landed Immigrant and is not to be operating an existing business or be employed full time over the course of the summer. In addition, students must be prepared to commit a minimum of 8 -12 consecutive weeks full-time to the experience.

Students apply to the program by completing a comprehensive business plan and participating in a virtual interview.

For information about the Summer Company program and to apply for summer 2020, visit www.ontario.ca/summercompany

Deadline has been extended until May 31, 2020 or until spaces are filled.

UPDATE:  Summer Company Program remains available, however the program is pivoting the types of businesses allowed in the program due to COVID19. Student businesses should not require direct interaction with anyone and must follow social distancing rules.