A Successful Ideation Lab Session

This past summer, ICUBE had the pleasure of an insightful and successful Ideation Lab session, with many promising entrepreneurs and captivating speakers. Are you looking to sign up for the Ideation Lab’s future sessions? Read on to learn about some of this session’s workshops.  

One of the topics our entrepreneurs got to learn about was design thinking and innovation. Andrew Seepersad came in to talk about the innovation process, elements of design thinking, the stages of design thinking, and other important concepts. He led the entrepreneurs through thought experiments that emphasized the different ways of going about innovation, and discussed what he thought to be the best one.  

During another one of the Ideation Lab’s workshops, Catherine MacGregor came in to discuss market research. She walked the participants through different methods of market research, discussed strategies of market research, and, best of all, showed the entrepreneurs all the resources they had access to in order to help them complete their market research. She shared valuable tips and tricks.  

One week, ICUBE’s very own Kayla Sousa took the podium to discuss the art of pitching. She explained how storytelling skills can play a big part in a good pitch, and shared many other tidbits of advice that many entrepreneurs might not have heard on pitching. As someone who has judged pitch competitions herself, Kayla had some unique advice on how to design an excellent pitch deck, and even broke down what components of a pitch deck are most important to focus on.  

Marketing and social media management is a crucial part of starting a business, but many entrepreneurs don’t know much about it. Faria Jafri came in to share valuable advice, much of which is lesser known to people not in marketing spaces. Read more about this specific workshop here.   

At ICUBE, we recognize that many of our entrepreneurs come from diverse backgrounds, and business is not always their expertise. Rick Makos came in to talk about sales and the Challenger Way. The entrepreneurs learned about the biggest obstacles they will face in sales and the best ways to overcome them, possible sales strategies and playbooks, and benefits of different sales strategies. Participants were given an introduction to the Challenger Way of selling, a different sales strategy that is increasingly helpful as a differentiated sales experience becomes more important. 

Finally, Brooke Gordon spoke to the entrepreneurs about priorities and planning effectively to manage your priorities. She emphasized wellness and self-knowledge in a holistic and relaxing workshop that taught all of the participants a little more about self-care as an entrepreneur.   

If you are an entrepreneur intrigued by these topics, or think you could benefit from them, consider signing up for the fall/winter Ideation Lab session here, or read a little more about the upcoming session here.

Indigenous business training program created by RedBird Circle Inc. in partnership with UofT Libraries, ICUBE UTM and The Bridge at UTSC

An experiential learning program that follows the school 3 semesters schedule, for anyone with a great idea who wants to make it happen.

A boutique-style remote program to support your business development and help you grow through one-on-one support. This program is open all year.

A student-led creative studio with intends to serve the prototyping and design needs of our ventures and small businesses in our community.

This 2-day retreat is designed to help you reflect on your journey, what drives you, all the hats you wear and what is next for you and your social enterprise.